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man fits insulation on garage doorUp and over garage door insulation is a super easy and cheap added protection attached to bare metal of the door surface designed to make substantial difference, reduce heat loss and keep the temperature at a comfortable level. This type of insulation will make a tremendous difference, you will not be disappointed. Insulated garage doors have a big advantage over uninsulated garage doors like. You will increase savings on heating bills for your entire property. Moreover, it will help keep you warm when you use your garage at the same time, you will also increase overall door strength. You can buy garage door insulation kits that come with everything you need to do the job, including tape and adhesive. These packs are affordable online or available at Screwfix, B&Q or Wickes shops. There are no specific thermal standards that new garage doors need to meet, so it is best to look for products with impressive U-values. Popular DIY insulation product for garage doors is reflective foil such as LOW-E. In fact, LOW-E™ is the oldest foil insulation for sale in the UK and the best 'do it yourself' projects you can do to make your garage door more comfortable and energy efficient. Coming from America, where it has been used for over 20 years in various applications, Low-E products reflect back the heat by non-contact. Basically, heat from one object transferring to another object without the two ever touching.


It's worth understanding the types of garage door insulation that can help maintain a warm zone and protect the contents of your garage. There are several material options for adding insulation to your garage door, the most common types being:

POLYSTYRENE (only flat ‘up and over’ doors)

Polystyrene is soft and it is made of 98% air and just 2% plastic. It is a very practical, economic and efficient form of insulation material which can be applied as a garage door insulation. They come in the 1000mm x 500mm and 1200mm x 600mm size panels that are glued to the garage door with low expansion foam. The main advantage is its weight. Polystyrene boards do not weigh much, therefore that can be glued to any type of branded garage door such as Hormann, Novoferm, Henderson, Fort Doors, Gliderol, Garador, Select, Wayne Dalton or Wessex. Please note insulation doesn’t come as standard on new garage doors. Non-insulated doors are only a couple of millimetres thick, whereas insulated doors are usually 45mm in thickness.

PANEL INSULATION (only flat ‘up and over’ doors)

PIR or Phenolic panels are the common materials used to insulate garage doors. This type of material offers good thermal performance ranging from 0.018 up to 0.244W/mK, so you can get the job done with relatively thin sheets. However those panels may be relatively heavy for your garage door runners, so always remember that garage door insulation must be lightweight and thin. Moreover, this type of insulation is inflexible, so you may find it hard to fit. If the insulation is too heavy it will cause problems for the lifting mechanisms. Maximum allowed rigid insulation thickness for garage doors is 40mm. For instance, a 20mm phenolic panel 1200mm x 600mm weighs less than 0.5kg, which results in an extra 5.5kg to your garage door weight. Putting this insulation on the doors is a gigantic improvement. Always make sure the foam is thinner than the channels inside your door.


Rolls of reflective foil insulation are non-toxic and no fibre insulation material made of 80% recycled foam polyethylene core and an aluminum facings, that is a good option for standard metal garage doors. It is very flexible and extremely strong and usually 5.5mm thick. In fact, it's flexible enough to bend back on itself. Its core provides a thermal break to reduce and stop conduction and convection. It uses less space than other insulation materials such as PIR or Phenolic. Moreover, it cuts easily with a utility knife or scissors, and weighs less than 150g per m2. This type of insulation is known as the thinnest and most effective garage door insulation available on the UK market. However, when installing reflective insulation on garage doors, it is important to allow for sufficient space for air layers. 
Reflective foil insulation blocks 97% energy transfer in and out of the structure. Why? Aluminum is the best reflector. Pure aluminum has a reflectivity rating of 97% so it reflects virtually all the radiant heat. Only silver and gold reflects more, at 98% and 99%.


It’s not cheap to buy a new insulated door as they may cost anything between £1900-£4000. It could be simply worth adding extra insulation to existing doors. If you’re going down the DIY route for installing garage door insulation, then the materials are affordable and available from online shops like us. Depending on the size of the door, you can probably insulate a standard garage door for between £69-£140. Reflective foil allows you to upgrade the efficiency of your garage door at very little cost of £69.90 per 10m2. 


Installing garage door insulation yourself isn’t difficult or tricky to do, but, if you’re going to do it yourself, there are things to be aware of to ensure a successful result. The plan is to just simply glue some foam insulation on the bare metal door. Also be aware of the extra weight and thickness insulation adds, which some garage doors won’t take. Check for areas where you shouldn’t install insulation to make sure you don’t damage the opening mechanism. Clean the door and make sure the surfaces are sound. Mark up each insulation panel accurately and cut it safely. Reflective foil can be trimmed with a Stanley knife or pair of scissors. For rigid foam you will need a handsaw. Fit insulation before installation. If everything works well, apply adhesive. Some kits already come with attached adhesive. For rigid panel insulation you will need either low expansion foam or heavy duty double sided tape. All in all, 2’ inch thick insulation together with expanding foam glue will cost you not more than £115. This is well worth the money. You could do it considerably cheaper by using just the thinner sheets of rigid foam board such as 15mm Xtartherm which work great too. There are propably ways to do it cheaper but again, cheaper doeas not always mean good. There are no regulations stating that garage doors must be well insulated, however it is always worth saving a few £ each year.



  • Door is a lot quieter.
  • Boost thermal efficiency.
  • Stop garage door draughts.
  • Safe money.
Brand: Ceresit® Model: 10mm EPS 70 EWI
10mm Grey EPS for External Wall Insulation (Graphite Expanded Polystyrene) is an insulating material with about 20-25% better thermal insulation properties than basic white EPS that can effectively reduce heating costs and improve the appearance of the building. Complete external wall insulation ..
  • External Wall Insulation Systems
  • Lightweight - Cost efficient - Durable
  • High Resistance to Mold Growth
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.031W/mK
  • Easily cut with a sharp knife to any size and shape
£ 93.67
Ex Tax:£ 78.06
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Celotex® Model: 12mm TB4000
12mm Celotex TB4000 PIR Insulation Board (TB4012) is an easy to cut and install multi-purpose polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulation board featuring a low emissivity foil facings that is suitable for floor, wall, ceiling and roof cut-to-fit applications. Celotex Board is an excellent high-perform..
  • Size: 2400mm x 1200mm
  • Board covarage: 2.88m2
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.022 W/mk
  • Surface spread of flame: Class 1
  • BBA Approved (Cert no 17/5405, 16/5352)
£ 0.00
Ex Tax:£ 0.00
Estimated delivery: Out Of Stock
Brand: Xtratherm® Model: 1200 x 1200 x 15mm
15mm PIR Rigid Insulation Board Xtratherm (Unilin) 1200mm x 1200mm is a thinnest rigid foil faced polyisocyanurate (PIR) thermal foam insulation board designed for roofs, walls, floors, timber and steel framed systems. Unilin (Xtratherm) PIR insulation boards are stable, rot proof and will remain..
  • 1200mm x 1200mm x 15mm - Euroclass F
  • Foil Faced PIR Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Certified thermal conductivity as low as 0.022W/mK!
  • Thinnest foil faced polyisocyanurate insulation board
  • Designed for roofs, walls, floors, timber and steel framed systems
£ 17.16
Ex Tax:£ 14.30
Estimated delivery: 3-5 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 15mm Unilin XT/PR
15mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R Pitched Roof PIR Insulation Board is a thinnest PIR rigid thermal foam insulation board used in roof construction to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/PR Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal con..
  • 15mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 15mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/PR Pitched Roof Insulation Board
£ 33.08
Ex Tax:£ 27.57
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 15mm Unilin XT/TF
15mm Unilin XT/TF Thin-R Timber Frame Insulation Board is a thinnest PIR rigid thermal foam insulation board used in wall construction to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/TF Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal conduct..
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/TF Timber Frame (Walls) Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 15mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • 15mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
£ 33.08
Ex Tax:£ 27.57
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 15mm Unilin XT/UF
15mm Unilin XT/UF Thin-R Floor Insulation Board is a thinnest PIR rigid thermal foam insulation board used in floor construction to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/UF Underfloor Unilin PIR Board is a high performance insulation with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.022W/m..
  • 15mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 15mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/UF Floor (Underfloor) Insulation Board
£ 35.40
Ex Tax:£ 29.50
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Xtratherm® Model: 15mm PIR
15mm Unilin (Xtratherm) Thin-R Insulation Board (2400mm x 1200mm x 15mm) is an ultra thin rigid foil faced polyisocyanurate (PIR) thermal foam multi-application insulation board designed for roofs, walls, floors, timber and steel framed systems. Xtratherm (Unilin) Thin-R range is a high-efficienc..
  • Size: 1200mm x 2400mm
  • Foil Faced PIR Rigid Insulation Board
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.022 W/mk
  • R-Value: 0.68m2K/W
  • Reaction to fire: Euroclass F
£ 34.34
Ex Tax:£ 28.62
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Ceresit® Model: 20mm EPS 70 EWI
20mm White EPS External Wall Insulation Board (EPS70) is an easy to handle and install Expanded Polystyrene Insulation material used as a main component of external wall insulation systems and thin coat rendering. White EPS (Polystyrene) 20mm is a lightweight basic insulation material available a..
  • External Wall Insulation Systems - EWI
  • Easily cut with a sharp knife to any size and shape
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.042W/mK
  • High Resistance to Mold Growth
  • Lightweight - Cost efficient - Durable
£ 68.62
Ex Tax:£ 57.18
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kingspan® Model: 20mm Thermapitch TP10
Kingspan ThermaPitch TP10 Board 20mm is a high performance pitched roof insulation board with fibre-free rigid thermoset PIR foam core used for under rafter or between and over joist applications. 20mm Thermapitch TP10 Kingspan PIR 2400mm x 1200mm board is an insulation sheet suitable for tiled o..
  • Thermal conductivity of 0.022 W/mK
  • Easy to handle and install
  • BBA Certificate 14/5133
  • NSAI Agrément Certificate 03/0196
£ 45.72
Ex Tax:£ 38.10
Estimated delivery: 5-7 working days
Brand: Kingspan® Model: 20mm Thermawall TW55
20mm Kingspan Thermawall TW55 Insulation Board is a rigid insulation board used between studs or as an insulating sheathing material for steel and timber framing wall applications. Thermawall TW55 Kingspan is a high performance insulation board suitable for use with timber frame and steel frame w..
  • Thermal conductivity of 0.022 W/mK
  • Easy to handle and install
  • BBA Certificate 14/5133
  • NSAI Agrément Certificate 03/0196
£ 46.19
Ex Tax:£ 38.49
Estimated delivery: 3-5 working days
Brand: Stylite® Model: 20mm Grey EPS EWI 70
20mm Stylite Plustherm Grey EPS EWI 70 External Wall Insulation Board is a high performance thermal insulation board manufactured from Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), used in External Wall Insulation (EWI) systems to meet Building Regulations for thermal performance. Stylite Expanded Polystyrene Insu..
  • 20mm Stylite Plustherm Grey EPS EWI 70
  • External Wall Polystyrene Insulation Board
  • Easy to install 1200mm x 600mm - 0.72m2
  • EWI External Wall Insulation Systems
  • EWI EPS 70 Thermal Conductivity: 0.032W/mK
£ 4.39
Ex Tax:£ 3.66
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 25mm EPS 70
25mm EPS 70 Expanded Polystyrene Kay-Metzeler Kay-Cel Flooring Insulation Board is a universal cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient and completely CFC and HCFC free standard eps insulation board suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings. Kay-Metzeler ..
  • 8ft by 4ft sheets (8' x 4')
  • Compressive Strength: <70kPa
  • Suitable above a concrete slab or a precast concrete
  • EPS70 is rot proof - unaffected by bacteria moulds or fungi
  • EPS70 is Moisture resistant - non irritant and odourless non-toxic
£ 139.08
Ex Tax:£ 115.90
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Jablite® Model: 25mm EPS 70
25mm Expanded Polystyrene EPS70 Jablite Jabfloor Insulation Board is an economical, long lasting, thermally efficient, easy to cut and install universal EPS insulation board suitable for insulating floors, walls and roofs. Expanded Polystyrene EPS 70 25mm is an excellent permanent insulating mate..
  • 8ft by 4ft sheets (8' x 4')
  • Compressive Strength: <70kPa
  • Suitable above a concrete slab or a precast concrete
  • EPS70 is rot proof - unaffected by bacteria moulds or fungi
  • EPS70 is Moisture resistant - non irritant and odourless non-toxic
£ 128.93
Ex Tax:£ 107.44
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E EZY Seal 5m2
Low-E EZY Seal Original Aluminium Reflective Foil Insulation (5m2 roll) is a superior 5.5mm thick thermal insulation and air infiltration vapour barrier designed to reduce draughts and uncontrolled air movement and increase thermal performance by blocking up to 97% of radiant heat. With one of th..
  • 5.5mm Low-E EZY Seal Reflective Foil Insulation
  • Moisture control and Wind infiltration barrier
  • Low-E EZY Seal - Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating
  • Totally non-toxic and with no fibres and no itching
  • Thinnest most effective reflective foil insulation
£ 66.38
Ex Tax:£ 55.32
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E TAB 16 10m2
Low-E TAB 16 Pre-cut Reflective Aluminium Foil Insulation (10m2 roll) is an ultra thin 5.5mm thick reflective foil insulation product cut to 416mm (3x400mm) widths and 24m long rolls for ease of installation between rafters, studs and joists. 5.5mm Low-E TAB Insulation acts not only as a superior..
  • Low-E Insulation TAB 16 Pre-cut 416mm
  • Superior Reflective Foil Insulation 10m2 roll
  • Installation between rafters, studs and joists
  • Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating, Low-E TAB Insulation
  • Increases thermal performance by blocking up to 97% of radiant heat
£ 102.78
Ex Tax:£ 85.65
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E Micro-E 30m2
Micro-E VCL Low-E Thinnest Flexible Insulation is an only 3mm thick, extremely lightweight, easy to handle reflective foil insulation and vapour control layer designed to provide a thermal break and reflect up to 97% of radiant heat. 3mm Micro-E Insulation VCL 30m2 roll has trimmed edges and can ..
  • 3mm Low-E Insulation Micro-E VCL 30m2 roll
  • Micro-E Thinnest Flexible Reflective Foil VCL
  • Residential roofing underlayment, Vapor barrier
  • Extremely lightweight, easy to handle reflective foil
  • Micro-E reflect up to 97% of radiant heat
£ 217.97
Ex Tax:£ 181.64
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E PERF 5m2
Low-E PERF Perforated Breathable Reflective Foil Insulation 5m2 is a superior 5.5mm thick certified insulation that allows moisture to pass through the perforated reflective foil while limiting air movement, suitable for use on the external sides of an insulation system in wall, floor, and roofing a..
  • Low-E PERF Perforated Breathable Reflective Foil
  • Superior 5.5mm thick certified ultrathin insulation
  • Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating - Low-E PERF
  • Low-E PERF reflects 97% of radiant heat
  • Suitable for wall, floor, and roofing applications
£ 71.53
Ex Tax:£ 59.61
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E Seam Tape
Low-E Seam Tape (Scrimmed) is an original pure aluminium reflective foil tape with superior adhesion and Class 1 Fire Rating used as system closure tape with Low-E Foil Insulation products. The roll measures 65mm wide and 45 meters long to provide excellent adhesion and quick stick. This tape ..
  • 65mm Low-E Seam Foil Tape (Scrimmed)
  • Original pure aluminium reflective foil tape
  • Superior Adhesion and Class 1 Fire Rating
  • System closure tape for Low-E Foil Insulation products.
  • 45 meters long to provide excellent adhesion and quick stick
£ 36.61
Ex Tax:£ 30.51
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E SlabShield 15m2
Low-E SlabShield Reflective Foil Insulation VCL is an innovative interlocking 11mm thick air infiltration barrier and vapour barrier designed to boost thermal performance, in one simple to install product that can be used for under concrete slabs both with, and without, hydronic heating systems. ..
  • Low-E SlabShield Reflective Foil Insulation VCL 15m2
  • Innovative interlocking 11mm thick air infiltration barrier
  • Vapour barrier designed to boost thermal performance
  • SlabShield Foil Insulation Low-E Vapour Control Layer
  • Lightweight and cuts easily with a utility knife or scissors
£ 197.69
Ex Tax:£ 164.74
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E Ultra-E VCL 15m2
Low-E Ultra-E VCL Reflective Vapour Barrier Foil Insulation is a superior thermal resistant 11mm thick Vapour Control Layer made using recycled closed cell foam core and pure aluminium facings to provide a considerable thermal break and greatly reduce noise transmission, while the pure aluminium fac..
  • 11mm Low-E Ultra-E Vapour Barrier
  • Ultra-E Reflective Foil Insulation VCL 15m2
  • Low-E Ultra-E VCL greatly reduce noise transmission
  • Superior thermal resistant Reflective Foil Insulation VCL
  • Vapour Control Layer - reflect up to 97% of radiant heat
£ 202.03
Ex Tax:£ 168.36
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 25mm EPS70 Single Sheet
25mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler is an universal cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation board suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings. Polystyrene Insulation Board 25mm x 1200mm x 2400mm is used abo..
  • 25mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 17.39
Ex Tax:£ 14.49
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Celotex® Model: 20mm TB4000
20mm Celotex TB4000 PIR Insulation Board (TB4020) is an easy to cut and install multi-purpose polyisocyanurate (PIR) rigid foam insulation board featuring a low emissivity foil facings that is suitable for floor, wall, ceiling and roof cut-to-fit applications. Celotex Insulation Board is an excel..
  • Size: 2400mm x 1200mm
  • Board covarage: 2.88m2
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.022 W/mk
  • Surface spread of flame: Class 1
  • BBA Approved (Cert no 17/5405, 16/5352)
£ 0.00
Ex Tax:£ 0.00
Estimated delivery: Out Of Stock
Brand: Ceresit® Model: 20mm EPS 70 EWI
20mm Grey EPS for External Wall Insulation (Graphite Expanded Polystyrene) is an insulating material with about 20-25% better thermal insulation properties than basic white EPS that can effectively reduce heating costs and improve the appearance of the building. Complete external wall insulation ..
  • External Wall Insulation Systems
  • Lightweight - Cost efficient - Durable
  • High Resistance to Mold Growth
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.031W/mK
  • Easily cut with a sharp knife to any size and shape
£ 93.67
Ex Tax:£ 78.06
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 20mm Unilin XT/PR
20mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R Pitched Roof PIR Insulation Board is a rigid thermal foam insulation board used in roof construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/PR PIR Board 20mm is a high performance foil faced insulation foam board with a certified thermal conducti..
  • 20mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 20mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/PR Pitched Roof Insulation Board
£ 41.88
Ex Tax:£ 34.90
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 20mm Unilin XT/TF
20mm Unilin PIR Insulation Board XT/TF Timber Frame is used between studs or as an insulating sheathing material for steel and timber framing wall applications. XT/TF Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.022W/mK which h..
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/TF Timber Frame (Walls) Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 20mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • 20mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
£ 41.88
Ex Tax:£ 34.90
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 20mm Unilin XT/UF
20mm Unilin XT/UF Thin-R Floor Insulation Board is a rigid thermal foam insulation board used in floor construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/UF Underfloor Unilin PIR Board is a high performance insulation with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.022W/mK w..
  • 20mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 20mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/UF Floor (Underfloor) Insulation Board
£ 44.81
Ex Tax:£ 37.34
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Xtratherm® Model: 20mm PIR
20mm Xtratherm PIR Thin-R Insulation Board (2400mm x 1200mm x 20mm) is a rigid foil faced polyisocyanurate (PIR) thermal foam insulation board designed for roofs, walls, floors, timber and steel framed systems. Xtratherm Thin-R range is a high-efficiency foil faced PIR insulation with a certified..
  • Size: 1200mm x 2400mm
  • Foil Faced PIR Rigid Insulation Board
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.022 W/mk
  • R-Value: 0.91m2K/W
  • Surface spread of flame: Class 1
£ 45.18
Ex Tax:£ 37.65
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Stylite® Model: 30mm Grey EPS EWI 70
30mm Grey EPS External Wall Insulation Board Stylite is an easy to install thermal insulation that is compatible with all external wall insulation systems which can be bonded or mechanically fixed to the wall to meet Building Regulations for thermal performance. Stylite Plustherm Expanded Polysty..
  • 30mm Stylite Plustherm Grey EPS EWI 70
  • External Wall Polystyrene Insulation Board
  • Easy to install 1200mm x 600mm - 0.72m2
  • EWI External Wall Insulation Systems
  • EWI EPS 70 Thermal Conductivity: 0.032W/mK
£ 4.50
Ex Tax:£ 3.75
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 30mm EPS70 Single Sheet
30mm Expanded Polystyrene EPS70 Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler is a standard closed cell thermally efficient EPS insulation board suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings. Polystyrene Insulation Board 30mm x 1200mm x 2400mm is used above a concrete slab or a preca..
  • 30mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 21.78
Ex Tax:£ 18.15
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E Micro-E PERF 30m2
3mm Micro-E PERF Low-E Thinnest Flexible Breathable Foil Insulation is a certified breathable aluminium foil insulation that allows moisture to pass through the perforated reflective foil while limiting air movement, suitable for use in all aspects of construction. Low-E Micro-E PERF 3mm reflects..
  • 3mm Low-E Insulation Micro-E PERF 30m2 roll
  • Micro-E PERF Thinnest Flexible Reflective Foil
  • Suitable for use in all aspects of construction
  • Extremely lightweight, easy to handle reflective foil
  • Micro-E PERF reflect up to 97% of radiant heat
£ 234.92
Ex Tax:£ 195.77
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E EZY Seal 15m2
Low-E EZY Seal Original Reflective Foil Insulation 15m2 is a superior 5.5mm thick pure aluminium thermal insulation and air infiltration (vapour barrier) designed to reduce draughts and uncontrolled air movement and increase thermal performance by blocking up to 97% of radiant heat. With one of t..
  • 5.5mm Low-E EZY Seal Reflective Foil Insulation
  • Moisture control and Wind infiltration barrier
  • Low-E EZY Seal - Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating
  • Totally non-toxic and with no fibres and no itching
  • Thinnest most effective reflective foil insulation
£ 139.56
Ex Tax:£ 116.30
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E TAB 24 15m2
Low-E TAB 24 Pre-cut Reflective Foil Insulation 15m2 is an original ultra-thin reflective insulation product cut to 625mm (3x600mm) widths and 24m long rolls for ease of installation between rafters, studs and joists. 5.5mm Low-E TAB Insulation acts not only as a superior air infiltration barrier..
  • Low-E Insulation TAB 24 Pre-cut 625mm
  • Superior Reflective Foil Insulation 15m2 roll
  • Installation between rafters, studs and joists
  • Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating, Low-E TAB Insulation
  • Increases thermal performance by blocking up to 97% of radiant heat
£ 139.56
Ex Tax:£ 116.30
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E PERF 15m2
5.5mm Low-E PERF Perforated Breathable Reflective Aluminium Foil Insulation (15m2 roll) is a certified foil insulation that allows moisture to pass through the perforated reflective foil while limiting air movement, suitable for use on the external sides of an insulation system in wall, floor, and r..
  • Low-E PERF Perforated Breathable Reflective Foil
  • Superior 5.5mm thick certified ultrathin insulation
  • Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating - Low-E PERF 15m2
  • Low-E PERF reflects 97% of radiant heat
  • Suitable for wall, floor, and roofing applications
£ 150.40
Ex Tax:£ 125.33
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 25mm Unilin XT/UF
25mm Unilin XT/UF Thin-R Floor Insulation Board is a polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulation board used in floor construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/UF Underfloor Unilin PIR Board is a high performance insulation with a certified thermal conductivity of 0...
  • 25mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 25mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/UF Floor (Underfloor) Insulation Board
£ 40.76
Ex Tax:£ 33.97
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 25mm Unilin XT/PR
25mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R Insulation Board is a polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulation board used in roof construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/PR PIR Board is a high performance foil faced insulation foam board with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.022..
  • 25mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 25mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/PR Pitched Roof Insulation Board
£ 38.10
Ex Tax:£ 31.75
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 25mm Unilin XT/TF
25mm Wall Insulation Board Unilin Thin-R XT/TF is a rigid foam insulation board used between studs or as an insulating sheathing material for steel and timber framing wall applications. XT/TF Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal conducti..
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/TF Timber Frame (Walls) Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 25mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • 25mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
£ 38.10
Ex Tax:£ 31.75
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Ceresit® Model: 30mm EPS 70 EWI
30mm Grey EPS for External Wall Insulation (Graphite Expanded Polystyrene) is an insulating material with about 20-25% better thermal insulation properties than basic white EPS that can effectively reduce heating costs and improve the appearance of the building. Complete external wall insulation ..
  • External Wall Insulation Systems
  • Lightweight - Cost efficient - Durable
  • High Resistance to Mold Growth
  • Thermal Conductivity: 0.031W/mK
  • Easily cut with a sharp knife to any size and shape
£ 93.67
Ex Tax:£ 78.06
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Stylite® Model: 40mm Grey EPS EWI 70
Grey Polystyrene External Wall Insulation Board Stylite 40mm is a high performance EPS insulation board that is designed specifically to insulate masonry external walls within External Wall Insulation (EWI) systems to meet Building Regulations for thermal performance. 40mm Stylite Plustherm Expan..
  • 40mm Stylite Plustherm Grey EPS EWI 70
  • External Wall Polystyrene Insulation Board
  • Easy to install 1200mm x 600mm - 0.72m2
  • EWI External Wall Insulation Systems
  • EWI EPS 70 Thermal Conductivity: 0.032W/mK
£ 7.52
Ex Tax:£ 6.27
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E EZY Seal 30m2
5.5mm Low-E EZY Seal Original Reflective Foil Insulation (30m2 roll) is a pure aluminium thermal insulation and air infiltration vapour barrier designed to reduce draughts and uncontrolled air movement and increase thermal performance by blocking up to 97% of radiant heat. With one of the lowest ..
  • 5.5mm Low-E EZY Seal Reflective Foil Insulation
  • Moisture control and Wind infiltration barrier
  • Low-E EZY Seal - Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating
  • Totally non-toxic and with no fibres and no itching
  • Thinnest most effective reflective foil insulation
£ 245.94
Ex Tax:£ 204.95
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Low-E™ Model: Low-E PERF 30m2
Low-E PERF Perforated Breathable Reflective Foil Insulation 30m2 is a superior 5.5mm thick certified insulation that allows moisture to pass through the perforated reflective foil while limiting air movement, suitable for use on the external sides of an insulation system in wall, floor, and roofing ..
  • Low-E PERF Perforated Breathable Reflective Foil
  • Superior 5.5mm thick certified ultrathin insulation
  • Class A, Class 1 Fire Rating - Low-E PERF 30m2
  • Low-E PERF reflects 97% of radiant heat
  • Suitable for wall, floor, and roofing applications
£ 265.07
Ex Tax:£ 220.89
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 40mm EPS70 Single Sheet
Expanded Polystyrene EPS70 Insulation Board 40mm is a lightweight closed cell foam insulation board suitable for a wide range of building insulation applications, primarily used in residential buildings. 40x1200x2400mm EPS Insulation Board is used above a concrete slab or a precast concrete floo..
  • 40mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 24.79
Ex Tax:£ 20.66
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 30mm Unilin XT/PR
30mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R PIR Foam Insulation Board is an easy to install rigid insulation board used in roof construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/PR PIR Board is a high performance foil faced insulation foam board with a certified thermal conductivity of 0..
  • 30mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 30mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/PR Pitched Roof Insulation Board
£ 42.30
Ex Tax:£ 35.25
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 30mm Unilin XT/TF
30mm Unilin Thin-R XT/TF PIR Rigid Foam Insulation is a polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation board used in wall construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/TF Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal conductivi..
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/TF Timber Frame (Walls) Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 30mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • 30mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
£ 30.30
Ex Tax:£ 25.25
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 30mm Unilin XT/UF
30mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R PIR Foam Insulation Board is an easy to install rigid insulation board used in floor construction, designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/UF Underfloor Unilin PIR Board is a high performance insulation with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.02..
  • 30mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 30mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/UF Floor (Underfloor) Insulation Board
£ 32.42
Ex Tax:£ 27.02
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 50mm EPS70 Single Sheet
50mm EPS70 Insulation Board is an expanded polystyrene insulation board, a lightweight closed cell foam suitable for a wide range of building insulation applications, primarily used in residential buildings. EPS Insulation Board 50x1200x2400mm is used above a concrete slab or a precast concrete f..
  • 50mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 28.92
Ex Tax:£ 24.10
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 35mm Unilin XT/PR
35mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R Board is comprising a rigid Polyisocyanurate (PIR) core sandwiched between low emissivity foil facings designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/PR PIR Board is a high performance foil faced insulation foam board with a certified thermal conductivity..
  • 35mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 35mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/PR Pitched Roof Insulation Board
£ 49.80
Ex Tax:£ 41.50
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 35mm Unilin XT/TF
35mm Unilin Thin-R PIR XT/TF (Walls) is an insulation board suitable for use with timber frame and steel frame wall constructions in new build and refurbishment projects. XT/TF Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.022W/..
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/TF Timber Frame (Walls) Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 35mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • 35mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
£ 49.80
Ex Tax:£ 41.50
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 35mm Unilin XT/UF
35mm Unilin XT/UF Thin-R Floor Board is comprising a rigid PIR core sandwiched between low emissivity foil facings designed to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/UF Underfloor Unilin PIR Board is a high performance insulation with a certified thermal conductivity of 0.022W/mK whi..
  • 35mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 35mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/UF Floor (Underfloor) Insulation Board
£ 53.29
Ex Tax:£ 44.41
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 75mm EPS70 Single Sheet
75mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board is an insulation board made of closed cell foam expanded polystyrene (EPS) suitable for a wide range of building insulation applications. EPS Insulation Board 75x1200x2400mm is used above a concrete slab or a precast concrete floor in domestic grou..
  • 75mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 37.98
Ex Tax:£ 31.65
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 100mm EPS70 Single Sheet
100mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Sheet is a flooring lightweight insulation board made of closed cell foam expanded polystyrene (EPS) suitable for a wide range of building insulation applications. K-M EPS Insulation Board 100mm x 1200mm x 2400mm is used above a concrete slab or a preca..
  • 100mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 55.21
Ex Tax:£ 46.01
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 40mm Unilin XT/PR
40mm Unilin XT/PR Thin-R Board is a foil faced Polyisocyanurate (PIR) rigid foam insulation board used as a pitched roof insulation to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/PR PIR Board is a high performance foil faced insulation foam board with a certified thermal conductivity of 0..
  • 40mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 40mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/PR Pitched Roof Insulation Board
£ 46.20
Ex Tax:£ 38.50
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 40mm Unilin XT/TF
40mm Unilin XT/TF Thin-R PIR Wall Insulation Sheet is a rigid foam insulation board suitable for use with timber frame and steel frame wall constructions in new build and refurbishment projects. XT/TF Unilin PIR Board is a high performance foil faced rigid insulation foam with a certified thermal..
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/TF Timber Frame (Walls) Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 40mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • 40mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
£ 46.20
Ex Tax:£ 38.50
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Unilin Insulation (UK) known as Xtratherm Model: 40mm Unilin XT/UF
40mm Unilin XT/UF Thin-R Floor Board is a foil faced Polyisocyanurate (PIR) rigid foam insulation board used as a underfloor insulation to achieve Future Home and Passive House Standards. XT/UF Underfloor Unilin PIR Board is a high performance insulation with a certified thermal conductivity of 0..
  • 40mm Unilin PIR Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Insulation Board
  • Declared Lambda value of 0.022 W/mK (Thermal Conductivity)
  • 40mm x 1200mm x 2400mm Foil Faced PIR Insulation Sheet
  • Reducing heat loss and saving money on future energy bills
  • Unilin Insulation Thin-R XT/UF Floor (Underfloor) Insulation Board
£ 49.44
Ex Tax:£ 41.20
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days
Brand: Kay-Metzeler™ Model: 150mm EPS70 Single Sheet
150mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Sheet is an insulation board made of closed cell foam expanded polystyrene (EPS) suitable for a wide range of building insulation applications. K-M EPS Insulation Board 150mm is used above a concrete slab or a precast concrete floor in domestic ground-f..
  • 150mm EPS70 Expanded Polystyrene Insulation Board Kay-Metzeler
  • Cost-effective, long lasting, thermally efficient standard eps insulation
  • Suitable for multiple applications primarily used in residential buildings
  • Precast concrete floor slab finished with a wearing layer of chipboard
  • Multi-functional, 100% CFC, HCFC or HFC-free eps insulation board
£ 63.50
Ex Tax:£ 52.92
Estimated delivery: 2-3 working days